Lunch Bunch Fall Semester 2024-2025
Afterschool classes will run contingent on registration. Please see our Afterschool Enrichment Website for refund policies.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is available to our Indigo and Orange Roomers. During this session, students extend their school day and have lunch together with the Penn Family ECC Educators. Educators will help connect students with their peers while working on their social/emotional development of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. If you are interested in signing up for more than one day a week, please register additionally for each day.
Lunch Bunch is offered in a two-day and four-day option. If you choose the two-day option, you must commit to the same two days each week. You may now sign up for Lunch Bunch on a monthly basis.
1 month: 2 days per week $315
1 month: 4 days per week $630
Drop-In: 1 day $40
Family Information
Child's First Name
Child's Last Name
Parent/Caregiver #1 First Name
Parent/Caregiver #1 Last Name
Parent/Caregiver #1 Cell #
Parent/Caregiver #1 E-mail for Correspondence
Parent/Caregiver #2 First Name
Parent/Caregiver #2 Last Name
Parent/Caregiver #2 Cell #
Parent/Caregiver #2 E-mail for Correspondence
Approved Pickup Person #1
Approved Pickup Person #1 Cell #
Approved Pickup Person #2
Approved Pickup Person #2 Cell #
Payment and Credit Card Details
Please choose ONE:
1 month: 2 days per week $315
1 month: 4 days per week $630
Drop in: 1 day $40
Total Due
Credit Card Information
First Name on Card
Last Name on Card
Credit Card Number
Exp Month
Exp Year
Security Code
Billing Zip Code
Use a different billing address?
Please select...
Billing Address
Billing City
Billing State
Anything we need to know about your child? (Allergies, Scheduling Issues, etc.)
Photos may be taken at Afterschool classes. Park Avenue Synagogue may use those photos in synagogue publications, flyers and on the screens in the lobby.
I have read the above disclaimer.
Click SUBMIT only once to avoid being charged multiple times.
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